Monday, July 5, 2010

Preparing to go

Everyone keeps asking me if I'm getting excited, and my response is usually, "I still have so much to do!". At work and at home there seem to be hundreds (that may be an exaggeration) of tasks I want to complete so that I can leave with a clean slate. But with just over a week before taking off, many of them will end up being things I come back to. And of course, everyone will survive whether they are done or not, and may not have even noticed that they weren't done in the first place :).

But as soon as I fly out of Norfolk Virginia next Wednesday, the adventure begins. Three weeks seems like a long time now, but I know it will speed by. My goal is to stay in the moment (I tend to always be planning ahead) as much as possible in order to thoroughly and insightfully record the experience.

Joining me on my journey will be Lucy. Originally from Oaxaca, Mexico, she lived for a time in Arizona, but most of her life has been in Virginia with me. She is ready for an adventure!


  1. Yay...I'm so excited for you. Have a great time with Lucy..."Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds..." ;D

  2. Have a great time! Take lots of pictures.
