Friday, July 16, 2010


The best way to get a feel for a place is to start exploring on foot. So, off at 8 am to see the Thames, armed with a good sense of direction and a map for backup. Some sights and sounds could place you in any large city - traffic, shops preparing to open, people heading to work.

 But view a red double decker bus, or hear the lilt of a British accent, and you know you're in London.
The historic buildings in central London are simply spectacular, the shapes, the amount of detail, and the juxtaposition of old and new.

We know what's behind that blue arrow.

And then the Thames in all its working and cultural glory. More bustling and wider than expected, with Big Ben and Westminster Abbey in the far distance.


  1. OK, NOW totally jealous - even the weather looks good...I'm right next to you walking along the Thames..when's Greenwich?

  2. Those are great pics. I can't wait to see the next set.

  3. Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Exciting! Hope you make it to Portobello on a good day!

  4. So cool...this is definitely not the London I saw when I went. No fair. Not a single dark cloud in the sky!

  5. What happened on Saturday and Sunday? We want our blog updates!
