Monday, July 26, 2010

The Gardens at Hampton Court Palace

Hampton Court Palace, home to Cardinal Wolsey, Archbishop of York, and later to King Henry VIII, is surrounded by gardens. I found them to be the biggest draw of the place, perhaps because they provided such an enticing viewpoint to look back at the palace. Many of the gardens were designed by Christopher Wren, who was hired by William and Mary in the 1690's to expand the palace.

The Privy Gardens
The Pond Gardens
The Knot Garden
Most of the gardens seemed to have a symmetrical, formal style, but occasionally you would come across one  with a meandering flow. 

And what garden is complete without the requisite statue?

Our photography focus today was on detailed views of flowers. We had already experimented with this when we visited the Queen Mary's Gardens at Regent's Park, which was filled with roses. Under today's gray sky the color of the various flowers seemed to shine more brightly.

Perfect Pinks
Yellows and Blues
Palace Wall - Great Fountain Garden

Clock Court
 And one last look at the palace.....

Swan Near the Fountain Garden


  1. the swan, at first glance 'ah yes the classic gliding swan photo...wait, is that its foot?' turning a standard into a distinctive - good job Tinky! the gardens are great as well, your london trip is turning into my summer vacation...
